They cannot cannot span multiple cells in the light box, and will not be carried across stacked layers of a series. Annotations are tied to individual images in your series. Click the icon to open a drop down menu of options.Annotate : M ark s up individual images in your series with an annotation.For example, you can use the 3D cursor to locate a single point on a patients body from multiple angles. Then, click on any point in one panel to show the corresponding point in every series. Select 3D from the main toolbar to change your cursor to the 3D cursor.3D Cursor : Displays a single point across all series in the light box.Then c lick on a series in the light box and drag up/down to zoom in or out. Select Zoom from the main toolbar to change your cursor to the Zoom tool.Zoom : Zooms in or out of a particular image displayed in the light box.Then c lick and drag on a series to move it. Select Pan from the main toolbar to change your cursor to the Pan tool.This is useful for focusing on a specific area of a zoomed in image. Pan : M ove s an image within its cell in the light box.

See "View Menu" below for more information. You can also choose from a list of preset Window Levels in the View Menu, or use the appropriate keyboard shortcut.Click and drag left or right to adjust the window center, and up and down to adjust the window width. Then c lick on a series in the light box and drag to change levels. S elect Window from the main toolbar to change your cursor to the Window tool.Window Level : Changes the window levels (Window Width and Window Center) of an individual series displayed in the light box.Scrolling is always tied to the Stack function, regardless of what tool is selected in the Toolbar. You can also scroll up and down with your mouse or trackpad to progress through images in the selected series. Then c lick on a series in the light box and drag up/down to move the series forward or backward. Select Stack from the main toolbar to change your cursor to the Stack tool.Stack : M ove s between frames of an individual series displayed in the light box.